The Best Peruvian Food

How to make Peruvian Causa Food special Mashed Potatoes

Even though it is a detailed preparation, the Peruvian causa food is a special Mashed potatoes called causa limena or causa rellena. It is one of delicious dish from Peruvian cuisine. It has a beautiful presentation too, due to the striking combination of colors between lettuce, olive and boiled egg.

Of course, it has intensive yellow base, due to the potato and the chili cream and lemon juice. This plate is prepare and serve in layers. In a bowl put a first layer of mashed potato, then put chicken or tuna with mayonnaise mixing. After that another potato layer and finish. Over Peruvian causa dish goes a fine layer of mayonnaise and over that put avocado’s slices, red peppers and boiled beans, in contrast to the orange of the carrots.

Do you want to stand out with a dish that is quite a show? If you said YES, then keep reading and discover how to make a excellent Peruvian Causa.

Peruvian Causa Recipe called “Causa Limeña”

Although this recipe outside of Peru is known as a Peruvian cause. Cause from Lima is one of the tastiest dishes in the Peruvian cookbook. The most important ingredient in the cause is the yellow potato. Its preparation begins by boiling the potatoes and making a puree that is seasoned with chili, lemon and salt. It is then layered and filled with tuna or chicken and mayonnaise. Generally, the garnish consists of lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, and black olives.
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Peruvian Cuisine
Servings 6 people
Calories 310 kcal


  • 4 yellow peppers
  • kg of yellow potatoes
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil
  • 4 lemons
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the chicken filling

  • 300 gr of chicken
  • 3 onions
  • 1 red pepper
  • 6 chili peppers
  • 100 gr of mayonnaise
  • 1 medium avocado
  • 1 medium sliced carrot


  • Boil the potatoes with little bit of salt, when they are soft, remove the peel and then reserve.
  • After that, prepare the yellow chili sauce, just have to chop the peppers, remove the seeds and veins. Then cut all chilis into quarters. Bring them to a boil until they soften.
  • When chilis are soft, remove the skin and blend the meat. You will get a sauce with a slightly thick consistency and a nice yellow color. Reserve it.
  • Then, cook it in water together with one of the onions, the yellow pepper and the chili peppers. Of course, don't forget the salt.
  • In the same water as the chicken you can boil the beans and carrots. Of course, it is important that nothing is cooked more than it should. When they are done, remove them from the water and shred the chicken completely.
  • When the potatoes are ready, take advantage of the fact that they are hot to make the dough. Just mashed potatoes.
  • Now add all the other ingredients to the puree: the yellow sauce, the oil, the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix very well by kneading with your hands.
  • Add the shredded chicken together with the other finely chopped onion, the mayonnaise and a little salt and pepper.
  • At first, take a portion of the dough and cover the bottom of a mold. Next, place the avocado slices on top of the puree.
  • After cover the avocado with the chicken mixture. Take another small portion of batter and cover all the chicken. On top, layer the carrots and green beans.
  • With the dough that remains, cover the Lima cause well. For the garnish, cut the eggs lengthwise and place them on top of the cause next to the olives. Let it rest a bit in the fridge. This is a dish that is served cold.


If you liked the Causa Lima recipe, we suggest you enter our Potato Recipes category. You can also visit a selection of the best Peruvian recipes.
Keyword carrot, chicken, mayonnaise, yellow potato

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