The Best Peruvian Food

How to Make 100% Peruvian Chicken Escabeche Recipe

First of all, Chicken Escabeche is a traditional Peruvian dish that fuses with Italian cuisine. This is prepared based on fresh pickles, adding chicken in prey. The way of preparation is similar to many Peruvian foods. This dish has a great reputation and is known internationally. This is due to its easy and fast way of preparing it to eat it instantly or let it cool. It can be tasted hot or cold.

Therefore, I will show you this amazing recipe for enjoy you and your family.

Peruvian Escabeche – Chicken Pickled Recipe

This delicious recipe, is based on preserve food, people realized that uses this ingredients could preserve more time the onion, chickend and others ingredients. To eat the food long time after it cooked. At now, it become a delicious recipe to eat hot and cold, everywhere everytime.
Prep Time 37 minutes
Cook Time 43 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Peruvian Cuisine
Servings 6 people
Calories 290 kcal


  • 6 presas de pollo
  • ½ kg cebolla
  • ½ cup oil
  • 1 cup water
  • 6 eggs
  • 6 sweet potato
  • 6 olive
  • ¼ vinegar
  • 1 tbsp ground garlic
  • 1 tbsp ground oanka chili
  • 2 tbsp orégano
  • 1 tbsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • Sal y sazonador al gusto.
  • 6 leaf lettuce


  • Sazonar el pollo con sal, pimienta y sazonador luego freírlo y colocarlo en un plato.
  • Picar las cebollas en trozos grandes y sazonar con vinagre sal, pimienta, sazonador y orégano – deje reposar por 5 minutos.
  • En una olla calentar un poco de aceite freír los ajos, ají colorado y comino. Una vez frito agregar la cebolla encurtida en el vinagre, agregar una taza de agua y dejar cocer e ir probando la sal.
  • Sancochar los camotes y los huevos.
  • Una vez cocida las papas, huevos y cebolla, se coloca en la fuente las papas en rodajas, el pollo frito y cubrirlo con la cebolla cocida con su jugo.
  • En el plato colocar una hoja de lechuga sobre ella el escabeche colocando primero los camotes, luego el pollo y la cebolla, poner a un lado la porción de arroz, adornar con el huevo en rodajas y la aceituna.
Keyword chicken, garlic, onion, vinegar, yellow chili

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